Soonest delivery dates

Order within hours hour immediately and get your pocket wifi :

In France

In Europe

In USA / Canada

Rest of the world

days rental

from to
Return Fee

Total: from

When are you traveling?

Please select the start and end date of your rental

Delivery will be arranged before the start of your rental

Your rental must be at least of 3 days

You must select a date

Where are you traveling?

You must select a destination

Which data plan do you need?

Please select the amount of data you will need

You must select a plan

Short term

Long term

Which pocket wifi do you need?

You can choose between 4G or 5G pocket and add some accessories

Please choose a pocket wifi



Where do you want to receive your pocket wifi?

Please choose a delivery country

Please choose a delivery option

Delivery options

Please choose a delivery mode

Delivery mode

Please choose a return envelope

Return envelope




Delivery information

Customer details

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