How Much Does a Pocket WiFi Cost?

wifi en Europa

10 May 2024

pocket wifi

Joseph Philipson

A pocket WiFi is a portable wireless modem or MiFi. Essentially, it’s a mobile hotspot in your pocket, allowing you to connect your devices to the internet when traveling.

Small, light, and convenient, Hippocketwifi costs between €3.90 and €9.90 a day to rent.

To get the most from pocket WiFi, find how much you should be paying and what you’re paying for.

Calculate Your Pocket Wifi Rental Cost with our Calculator

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per day

Not available, please select the unlimited plan

What Affects the Cost of Your Pocket WiFi?

The cost of a Hippocket WiFi device depends on several different factors. You can calculate the rental price for the device using the above calculator.

With different providers offering vastly different pricing structures, you need to think about these factors to better understand the price you’ll pay.


Location is one of the key factors that influence the cost of renting a pocket WiFi device. Different countries and locations charge different amounts for network coverage so pocket WiFi in Europe won’t cost the same as in Asia or the USA, for example.

Similarly, single-country coverage is cheaper than region-wide coverage so renting a Hippocketwifi device for just France won’t cost as much as for all of Europe.

Rental Duration

Our pocket WiFi rental prices work out more economical the longer you rent the device. Renting for between 14 and 30 days is over 40% cheaper than renting the device for 3 to 5 days.

Long-term rental (over 1 month) is even cheaper than our short-term rental rates. Renting a device for France over 6 or more months can work out at less than €2 a day.


Not all connections are the same. 5G connections up to 100 times quicker than 4G connections. These kinds of Pocket WiFi devices are naturally more expensive. After all, they provide access to quicker connection types or allow more devices to connect.

Access to better connections is more expensive and the device will be more advanced or modern, which will all add to the cost.

5G certainly provides a more pleasant browsing experience than 4G, but for most everyday internet use, 4G is more than adequate and the typical data connection that many users may be used to on their phones.

If you’ll be downloading large files or streaming video, for example, you might prefer a 5G connection for your pocket WiFi device.

Data Limit

The more data you have, the more you’ll pay for a pocket WiFi device. For example, plans with a daily data limit of 1GB are cheaper than unlimited data.

On long-term plans, more data costs more. However, it works out as less per GB if you opt for a higher data limit.

While larger data limits are more cost-effective per GB, if you don’t use all your data, you’re essentially paying for wasted data.

Think carefully about your typical data usage to work out which plan is the best for you.


You’ll pay more for your pocket WiFi device for increased functionality. Devices with an additional power bank or external battery to charge a pocket WiFi device will cost more. Similarly, devices with a longer battery life usually cost more to rent.

Car chargers and other accessories will also add to the cost of your pocket WiFi rental.

How to Choose Your Pocket WiFi Provider

Not all pocket WiFi providers are equal and choosing the right data service when traveling isn’t a decision you should take lightly. Over longer rental periods, for example, the right choice could save you hundreds.

Think about the factors affecting the cost and service provided.

  • Coverage: Only pay for coverage in the countries or regions that you need. Compare the prices for region-wide coverage and single-country coverage. Regionwide coverage is usually cheaper than paying for coverage across several countries but always check first.
  • Data Limits: Make sure that you have enough data for your needs, but don’t go overboard and pay for data that you’ll never use. If your data use is consistently high, it might be worth looking at the different solutions available so that you don’t have to worry about reaching your data limit.
    This is particularly important for business users, who won’t want to find themselves in a situation where their data limit has been reached.
    You can check your mobile data usage on your phone, but remember that if you’re using a WiFi connection at home or work, this won’t be factored into your mobile data usage.
  • Reputation: Look to providers with a good reputation, reliable coverage, and excellent customer service. You’ll want to pay for a pocket WiFi device that won’t encounter any of the typical problems. You can check the reputation of pocket WiFi providers using Google Reviews, TrustPilot, etc. You can easily set up a Hippocketwifi device and start using it.
  • Connection Speed: Pay for the speed you need. If you just want to check your emails or occasionally check a map, you won’t need blisteringly high connection speeds. Internet browsing, email, and small files are fine for lower connection speeds (4G). Video streaming, making video calls, or sending large files will require a higher-speed connection (5G).